It all starts with figuring out how you feel in your home and how you want to feel. Think about how each room is used now and whether there are ways to improve it. Then make a plan that will work most effectively for you and others you live with.

Set the right mood with relaxed and upbeat music.

Movies, TV, and life are better with a great soundtrack. Music is good for your mental health, helps you relax, and can make you feel less stressed and anxious. Dopamine and oxytocin are chemicals in the brain that are linked to feelings of happiness and love. Even the stress hormones cortisol may go down when you listen to music.

The music you like is the best music to make you feel better. Sad sounds, on the other hand, could cause you to feel worse. But it would help if you also tried out different mixes. Listening to new music is an excellent way to broaden your mind. Plus, you might find music that you and everyone else in the house like.

Use essential oils at home and for yourself.

Smells matter! For instance, newly baked cookies can remind you of good times with your family and mask bad smells like your son’s stinky socks. Making cookies daily isn’t likely to fit into your busy life or a good diet. Using scented candles or essential oils are two easy ways to use smells to improve your happiness.

Lavender, rosemary, jasmine, bergamot, lemongrass, and neroli are some of the finest essential oils for relieving stress. Try a meditation device or a room spray if you want to use essential oils in your home. Or, to take care of yourself, put a few drops of your favorite oil in a bath.

Pick up a few plants.

Slowing down and dedicating time to relax can be good for you. Also, being outside is good for your mental health. The excellent information is that indoor plants can give you some of the same mood-boosting and stress-relieving effects as nature.

Most trees don’t make much pollen, so they shouldn’t bother people with asthma or allergies. Still, some houseplants can be dangerous if eaten, so if you have pets or kids, choose safe plants like parlor palms, spider plants, prayer plants, cacti, or peperomia.

Use calming colors to decorate

A lot has been said about how colors affect how people feel. You may have heard that red makes you hungry, orange makes you happy, and black makes you feel nothing. But the truth is that your life events and society shape how you feel about color. So, what relaxes you may not be what relaxes someone else.

Still, you can’t deny that colors can affect how you feel, so take the time to learn how colors affect your mood. Does green make you feel calm? Does blue calm your nerves? Does the color yellow make you happy? Once you know which colors help you feel at ease and relaxed, try using those tones and shades when you paint your walls or plan your room.

Make time for physical activity and meditation.

Working out is good for your body and may assist you in getting into your clothes that are too tight. And both exercise and meditation are great for your mental health. Any physical activity can help you feel less worried and more calm. But many people do well with exercise, yoga, gradual muscle relaxation, and meditation.

The best part is that these things can be done at home. A corner of a room and an exercise mat is usually all you need to start working out. It would help to have a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. In this type of meditation, you pay close attention to a single feeling.

Focusing all your thoughts on one thing helps push others out of the way, making you feel more calm and in charge. At first, finding time to work out and meditate may be challenging. But if you do these things daily, you will experience a significant change in how much stress you feel and how calm you feel.

Set up your bedroom so you can sleep well.

Sleep is a crucial part of equally physical and mental health. Getting enough sleep helps your body and mind heal from the day. This makes learning, remembering, and dealing with difficult situations easier. Of course, not everyone falls asleep quickly. If you have worry or stress, here are some ways to help you sleep:

  • Decorating with colors that make you feel very calm
  • Getting darker as bedtime approaches
  • Putting limits on how much you use screens (like phones, computers, and TV) 1-2 hours before going to bed
  • Most people can be comfortable in a room between 60 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit.

Set up reasonable limits and habits.

In an ideal world, you could leave your work at the office, but this doesn’t always happen in the real world. Finding a good mix between your job and life can be challenging when you work from home. After all, your machine is always there, ready for you. Putting your computer in a different room and working simultaneously daily can help. If you have to check in outside of regular hours, only do it a few times a night.

Setting limits can also make it easier to get along with family members. A common rule is that you can’t use your phone or watch TV at dinner. That’s because if everyone is looking at a screen while eating chow mein, you miss out on a chance to have soul-feeding talks. You might be too busy having fun with your meal, which should be full of carbs and vegetables if it’s good for your happiness.

Cleaning and organizing your home

Regular cleaning is vital to eliminate germs and make it less likely that someone will catch a cold or flu. Use cleaning wipes in the germiest parts of your house, like the kitchen and bathroom, to make it easier. But as you know, it’s okay if your house isn’t clean.

People can deal with different amounts of mess, and it’s not a big problem most of the time. If a messy living room doesn’t bother you, you don’t need to move cleaning the couch to the top of your list of things to do. Either way, if a messy kitchen closet bothers you, you must clean it up.

The challenge is to identify a way to clean and still have time for other essential things that help keep stress in check, like spending time with family, working out, and sleeping. Making a plan can be an excellent way to keep up with cleaning and getting rid of mess at home.